The population is defined as the total number of people living in a geographical location at a particular time.

- Over Population:-It is defined as the situation when a country has more people than its physical and human resources can accommodate. It other words, it refers to a situation where the population exceeds the available resources of the country.
- Under Population:-This is the type of population that is less than the available resources of the country. It then means that the size of the population is so small that when combined with the available resources.
- Optimum Population:- It is defined as the population which is neither too small nor too great, but when combined with available resources and given the level of existing technology it will secure a minimum return per head.
- Population Density:-This is the number of persons per square km of land. It can be expressed thus Total Population/Land Area
- NOTE:- Total population = Population Density x Land Area while Land Area = Total Population/Population Density.
- Example:
Calculate the population density of Nigeria having a total population of 140,003,542 with a total land area of 923,768 sq km
140,003,542/923,768 =151.56
The population of Nigeria is not evenly distributed. There are areas of high, moderate, low population density.
- The Yoruba land of South-West which includes Lagos, Ibadan, Akure, Abeokuta.
- North-Central which include Kaduna, Kano, Jos, Sokoto
- The south-eastern part which includes Enugu, Onitsha, Owerri, Aba.
- Favorable Climate:- The above area have adequate rainfall which ensures the production of food, especially in the west and east and is also favorable for human habitation.
- Fertile Soil:-Fertile soil favors the cultivation of cocoa and kola nut, oil palm, yam in the east groundnut and cotton in the north.
- Natural Attachment or Historical Factor:-The growth of some empires in the past like Kano and Oyo empires favors high population density.
- Administrative Headquarters:-Some towns like Lagos, Kano, Ibadan, Enugu serve as administrative capitals that attracts people to the area.
- Employment Opportunities:-The Availability of Job in the in these towns also swells the population.
- Presence of Minerals:-The presence of minerals also contributes to high population density in these towns e.g Coal In Enugu.
- Presence of Industries: -The presence of Industries in Lagos, Ibadan, Sokoto provides Jobs for people.
- Presence of Social Amenities and Infrastructure:-The presence of these like pipe-borne water, schools, Electricity, Multipurpose hall, roads e.t.c In the town attracts high population.
- Commercial Activities:-Presence of Market and business transactions pulls people to these areas.
- Migration:-Rural-Urban Migration tends to Increase the population of these towns.
- High Population provides a large labor force for Industries.
- High population is a source of a large market for the goods produced by industries.
- High population brings many people together and promote unity.
- It helps quick dissemination of Information
- High population help in defense of the area
- It helps in effective planning.
- Increase in the crime rate due to unemployment in most of the urban centers, there is a tendency to have a high crime rate or increase in crime rate.
- An increase in population leads to insufficient food supply.
- The high population leads to traffic congestion around Lagos.
- There is pressure on social amenities due to increase in population.
- The establishment of Industries in a densely populated area leads to the environmental population.
- Natural resources like fertile farmlands become over-exploited where there is high population growth in an area.
- An increase in Population leads to inadequate health services.
- Overpopulation brings about problems of housing.
- There is a problem with unemployment and underemployment.
- The middle belt of Nigeria comprising Benue, Niger, Kogi, Kwara and Abuja areas.
- The Niger - Delta area e.g river state.
- The extreme North-East (Borno and Yobe)
- Relief:-Presence of rugged highland in some of these areas promote low population.
- Drainage: The middle belt lies in the Niger--Benue valleys and delta areas which make settlement difficult because of the Niger River and Benue rivers.
- Unfavorable Climate: High temperature and low rainfall especially in Borno and Yobe state encourage a low population.
- Poor Soil:-Areas like Borno and Yobe state have poor sandy soil which does not support serious farming activities.
- Favorable Climate- The above areas have adequate rainfall which ensures the production of food, especially in the west and east and it is also favorable for human habitation.
- Employment Opportunities:-The availability of Jobs in these towns also swells the population.
- Presence of minerals:- The presence of minerals also contributes to high population densities of these town e.g coal in Enugu and tin in Jos
- Presence Of Industries: The presence of industries in Ibadan, Kano, Lagos, etc provide a job for people.
- Fertile Soil:-It favors the cultivation of cocoa and kola nut in the west, oil palm, yam cocoa in the East and groundnut and cotton in the North.
- Poor Soil: Area like Borno and Yobe state have poor sandy soil which does not support serious farming activities.
- Unfavorable Climate; High temperature and low rainfall, especially in Borno and Yobe, encourage low Population.
- Drainage:-The middle belt lies in the Niger Benue valley and delta areas which makes settlement difficult because of Niger, Benue river
- Relief: The presence of rugged highland in some of these areas promote a low population.
- Historical factors:-The trans-Sahara slave trade help in the development of the middle belt.
This helped me alot